Monday 23 December 2013

November Favourites! :)

Hello!!Are you enjoying the christmassy world?!Hope you are!Cause I am!Christmas is my favourite season or celebration?!Idk.Today I'm writing about products that I found useful and absolutely inexpensive for my November favourites.Which may help you.

1.Body Scrub.

Obviously you can get them anywhere and there's a TONS of brands outside that you can choose.But to be honest I didn't went and look around the whole store or something.I saw it at guardian and bought it.I've used only a quarter of it.As I just bought it not too long ago.If you're wondering I usually use them to scrub my knees and even toes.My knees are pretty weird.There kind of a dark dirty colour.So,by scrubbing them makes it better.

I got them only for RM10.95 so it's really inexpensive!It smells like passion fruit so if you prefer fruity scents you'll definitely love this! :)---> MOVING ON! <---

2.EOS Lipbalm.

This is great!In where I live we don't have target here.I've been seeing all the beauty gurus using this lipbalm.And obviously I wanted one.So,on the holidays my friend went to America and she offered to buy me this!Which was amazing of her.So thank you for it!She got me the Peppermint flavor and it's a absolutely strong flavor.I like it though!

I heard that if you put this in the fridge and when you put it on it'll be even more refreshing!Which I haven't actually try yet,but I'll do so.(It isn't that yellow in real life just the lighting problem) If you can,go to target now and buy one for your own!It's amazing!

Before I go,I'll leave this christmassy picture of me and my friend when we were at the mall.It was a HUGE tree,so we haven't have the nicest angle to take a selfie.So sorry! But that's it!Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! :) 

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Traveling Must-Haves ! :)

Hey hey!!I'm back for this weeks blog post!!So,last week I did the bucket list!If you haven't already see it go do now!Scroll down! :) Today I'm showing you guys my must-haves for traveling.Now,I didn't say this will work for everyone but this is just what I do! :)

So,these are some of my must-haves for traveling.

  1. Cleanser or Face Wash.
  2. Face Scrub.
  3. Bobby Pins / Clips.
  4. Water Spray.
  5. Hair Dryer.
  6. Headphone / Earphone.
  7. A Book. 
  • The cleanser or face wash that I'm using is the Ginvera suitable for any skin type.It smells like passion fruit and works really well on cleaning my face after a long day.
  • I'm one of those people that need to use face scrub.Usually for a few days of traveling I don't need to bring this and I only need to bring my face wash.But when I know it's gonna be hot or something like that I'll need this.I kinda have a lot of black heads so I need to bring this to scrub them off!
  • The next is bobby pins.Now,bobby pins it's usually a must because in case I need to pin my hair up of maybe do my hair I'll need them.FUN FACT:I used to clip my fringe ALL the time but now I don't.I barely use clips. 
  • Water Spray!!!This is a MUST.I have quite wavy hair.Not those pretty kind of wavy,it looks messy.So,I need to water spray my hair before I comb it.
  • Sometimes,after water spraying and combing it doesn't help and I use the hair dryer to kind of straighten it a little.And also to blow dry my hair.And it works REALLY GOOD.
  • After that,I'll NEED a headphone!It depends sometimes I use headphones sometimes I use earphones.I'll need to listen to music when we're on the go.
  • Sometimes I read as well.Either I read or listen to music.So I've got the book that I talked about in the other blog post.It's the Going Vintage.(more information about the book,check out my blog post.When you scroll it should be there)
And that is it for my traveling must-haves!!Hope you enjoyed and smile!! :)I'll see you guys next week! Bye!

Wednesday 27 November 2013


Hey guys! Today I'll be doing the BUCKET LIST.I'm sure most of the bloggers have done this blog post.Because it's just like official.I'll be doing 12.So,here's mine.

  • Do a Music Video. 
  • Meet One Direction.
  • At least try to upload weekly videos on YouTube.
  • Walk on a red carpet.
  • Have 5/5 of One Direction members to take a picture with me.
  • Produce one music for charity or flood victims.
  • Have people reading my blog post.
  • Sky dive or flying fox.
  • Relax on the beach.
  • Go on a flight.
  • Go to some other countries.
  • Celebrate halloween some where.
So that was my BUCKET LIST.I'm gonna explain it one by one here now.

  • I want to do a music video and post it on YouTube.Neither offical music video or not.I'll be happy enough.
  • I want to meet all of the member of One Direction because I've been loving them for a lonnnnggg time and it's not just it they changed my life.I know so many Directioner tell them this.But I can't actually explain my feelings about them.
  • I wanna be a YouTuber.Not because I want to be famous or something.But I would love it as a job.I enjoy filming.
  • Okay I know this one is pretty hard.But that's what about bucket list.I'll try my best for this one.
  • Picture with 1D!!I'm sooo excited about this.I know one day it will happen.At least one of the them.
  • I want to help people that need help like flood victims or something.I want to produce a music/song and get people to donate for them. :)
  • I know that no one barely reads my blog posts but I still do this because I LOVE doing this. :)
  • Sky dive or flying fox.I want to do this before I die one day.I want to see the world in a very different way.For some reasons I just don't like bungee jumping.So yeah!
  • Relax on the beach is something very enjoyable for me.It's just really peaceful and you'll know that the WORLD is VERY BEAUTIFUL.
  • I want to go on a flight.I'm now 13 and I'm not ashamed to tell you that I've never been on a flight before.Maybe my parents can't effort it now or something.But they told me that when I grew up I'll have to work hard and have my own money to go on a flight.
  • I've been to A LOT of road trips IN MY country.But I want to go to other countries.Like London,New York,Paris and MANY MORE! 
  • So,where I live doesn't celebrate halloween which I am really sad about.So I want to go to some place that does celebrate one day and have fun!! :)
So that was my BUCKET LIST.Hope you enjoy this weeks post!I will be doing something like that before New Year.Like a post that I tell you guys what I want to do or expect for next year!Anyways!I love you guys and see you next week!
P.S.Be Strong and things DO get better! :)

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Something I got! (Books) :)

Hey guys!So as you can tell I decided to change the font and the size.I hope you're okay with it.It's much more prettier if you ask me.Today I'm writing about books.Books that I got,for my holiday essentials.If you haven't already know,in where I live MALASYIA we have holidays during the end of the year.Basically November and December!This year's school ends on the 15th of November.Which means I am now on my holidays already! :)Yeah!Back to what I wanted to say.

These are the ones I got.Same Difference & Going Vintage.If you're wondering I purchase mine from scholastic.Link: They actually came to my school.I think they do this every year but I'm not sure.And the books they sell turns out is cheaper than the ones in some stores.So like a few months ago I ordered mine.(they do take some time to give you the stock)They came right after my exams.I was happy.And right after that I decided to read Same Difference first.Basically for the month of November.And Going Vintage is some kind of 'holiday,christmas' kind of thing for me.So yeah.It's now November and I'm currently reading Same Difference.

Same Difference is about a girl named Emily on Summer Time.So,it's like a summery book.But yeah!It's like friendships and stuff.I'm in the halfway through the book.

I also got myself a cup of tea.I love drinking tea while reading.It's just like some sort of way to relax.I understand that it's maybe not someone's cup of tea but..I think you should give it a go.(mine is steaming hot)

Onto the next one.One of the books that you will get attracted by it's cover.So obviously I got attracted by the cover.Don't judge!I know I know!But I read the synopsis and it was a good book.So I got it!It's about a girl that wanted to go vintage because her boyfriend cheated her through the internet.

I'm so excited to read those books!I'll enjoy reading them when I'm on a road trip.I'll pluck in my earphones and listen to some music while I read these amazing book.
P.S.I will see you guys next week! :) I think I'm gonna have something special for christmas :) Maybe more blog post! :)I hope you enjoy this and Stay Strong.Be happy :) Byee! With love,Nikki.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

My Turquoise Chair!! :)

Heyyy!!!I'm back for another blog post!This is in my head for a few days.I'm reallyyy busy!And I don't want to skip a post.I wanna keep it as weekly post.So I finally found some time!So,a few weeks ago I went to KL and got this turquoise chair from Ikea.I really liked it.So I thought why not do a blog post about it?
I thought it was reallyy pretty!It's a folded chair.As you can see up there..And I got a little thing to put on top it as a cushion and also make it higher?Because my study table is slightly taller and if I use a regular chair it will be too short and uncomfortable.
If you've been to Ikea you'll probably know how they have a name for everything so that you can easily pick up your stuff and just go straight to the counter ?So mine is called NISSE.Which I think I will rename it.But I'm not too sure what to name it just yet.

And the cushion works like that.I don't really know how to explain that.But it looks like that when it's on!
And yeah!That's all I really love my turquoise chair!Although you can't see the turquoise colour.Till then,see ya next week!!!
P.S.Life is like a roller coaster there are always ups and downs!So stay strong and fight till the end!!

Sunday 27 October 2013

A day out with friends! :)

Hey guys!I'm back!I didn't update for 2 weeks!But anyway's I'm back! :) So that day me and my friends went out for some pizza.We had some pizza hut coupons and we can get free pizza! ^_^ So we did.We went there,shop for a while and got some pizza!
It was delicious!We got the hawaiian chicken flavor.And after that we walk around the mall again.My friend decided that she wants to buy some sticky.If you haven't already know what are they,they are some kind of candy that has some little picture of what flavor they are.I kinda explain that too shitty but yeah!It's definitely some kind of sweet that I love but there're kinda expensive so..My friend got them for RM 15 for one bottle.But yeah!She got the coke,lacy and lime flavor.And guess what!I vlog-ed!! It's like my first time vlogging in public!Maybe I won't post it because I can't find any software editor for windows computer!But I'll just make it as a practice :)
That's basically it!We had fun,I totally did.And it was a fun and cool day chill out. :) Before I go I will leave you with this picture of me in Pizza Hut.Just some selfies :P 

Ps. Have fun and be happy because life is too short to be sad! :) Byee see you next week!And that is a promise.I will REALLY come back! :)

Sunday 29 September 2013

Baking for the first time.. :)

Hey peeps! :) It's another week!! Which means another blog post!Lol.I should stop.Okay now I'll start the weeks recap,basically just the same..School was normal and mainstream like always..Everything at home and school was fine.But one thing,I haven't really tell you guys that it's been a while since we(when I say we I actually meant about mum and my sister :)) wanna bake..So,yesterday we went to the baking store and bought all of the ingredients that we need.Then,we decided to bake today. So we did! :) It was fun but we have to admit that the muffin(muffinn lol.)was not that pretty,I mean it taste good but it doesn't look pretty..Because it's our first time baking.It took about 2 hours to get everything finish.And then we tasted it.The taste was not too sweet and it's just perfect well only the taste.But overall it was pretty good :) I totally had fun though.And yeah!I switch wardrobe! :) I used to use like only two drawers but now I have my own wardrobe!I know it's like not that big deal but I love my wardrobe now :) Anyways I have a few pictures that I've taken during the baking process..So,I'll leave that down below for you guys to check it out :)
P.S. I also posted a picture on instagram make sure to check that out too! :) And I'll see you guys next week!Remember to smile and stay strong :) 

                                                                      Part of the ingredient

                                                                Sieving the dry ingredients

The muffin mould

Mixing the ingredients

Ready to bake!

Fresh out of the oven :

Monday 16 September 2013

Early moon cake festival :)

Hey guys! So I've changed my plan on updating this blog.I'm gonna update it every weekend I'm not too sure on Saturday or Sunday so it depends.Now I'm gonna do an update on this week :) So in my country amount the chinese have a festival called the moon cake festival it's went the time of the year that kids plays lantern and everyone eats moon cakes..So I'm just to old to play lanterns like literally!And so!I usually plays with candles from the lanterns,candles is need to light up a lantern so I basically just play with fire.I know you'll be like REALLY?But yeah!So I came a cross on something that can make it more interesting..So,I'm that kind of person that likes to take pictures so I came up with an idea..And that idea is that I get my camera and takes pictures of the candles and the patterns of the fire..Okayokay I admit that the patterns of the fire didn't really work well but I still think I did a pretty good job on try it :) So I think that why not share it with you guys here?Right?So I have like a little quote for every little pictures that I'm gonna post right at the bottom of this post!I hope you enjoy and I'll write again next week! :)

 Remember that you are pretty and there's no need to hide anything ..
        You are the light of the world..So don't give up and keep swimming :)

Tuesday 3 September 2013

A trip to KL :)

Hey peeps!I don't really know where I should start.Okay!I'm back at home from KL!I think this is a straight 2 post that I say I've gone back from KL.But anyways,the main purpose that I went there is because I had a wedding dinner to attend.I went there with my grandparents and not with my parents this time.So,the first night we had a dinner in Oriental Pavillion Restaurant then the morning after that we have a chinese traditional thing where the bride and groom have to give their relatives chinese tea.(sorry i'm really bad at explaining these kind of stuff)  .So after that,me and my cousin went to a mall called One Utama and that mall is awesome.So she bought me there and guess what?We watch 1D3D together!You know how big as a fangirl I am when it comes to one direction ;) so I died throught the whole movie.It was a brilliant movie!I even cried!It was emotional.After that we went to the same restaurant to have another dinner again..But it was a fun and tiring trip though!I loved everything!So I am now back in school already.I think that's all for this post and I'll  see you guys next week.
P.S. Smile and stay strong! (;

Sunday 18 August 2013

Holiday and Vacation :)

Hey peeps!As I say I would try to catch up and blog more.Coz I've been gone forever.On my last post I said I will go to KL and now I've came back.So I will share what I did or buy there.On the first day I went to a mall called Paradigm it's a pretty cool mall.The purpose we went there is because my sister wants to buy a hoodie.It's a really cool hoodie.So,we walked to the H&M outlet and my sister got her hoodie. :) Then we spent almost a day there walking around.My cousin's we there too. :) We spent quality time together.The next day we went to some shopping as well and at night we went for badminton..Even when you're on vacation or some aussie say as road trip,we still remember to keep a healthy life. :) So yeah!Then after badminton we went to Asia Cafe it was so fully packed there's barely any parking for us.The next day which happens to be the last day we went to IKEA! :) I love Ikea.Our cousin's also wanted to follow but one of them is working and another has class at his university.So me and my family went there.We managed to eat there.There was so many people and the que was so long!But thanks god we got the lovely food!(: The meatballs was brilliant!After Ikea we start our journey back to Ipoh and we reached home at about 8.And today (18/8/13),At home we are having a steamboat session!Haha..But still we all have school tomorrow :/ hahaha anyways busy life is gonna restart and then the exams on Octorber I guess.Yeah!And that's all!I will see you guys maybe next week..I'm sorry coz I have school and stuff and I'm actually not allowed to play the computer during weekdays so yeah!I'll see you guys next week ! And byeeee
P.S I still have to say remember to smile and just be happy bye! :) 

Monday 12 August 2013

Have been gone forever.. Sorry

Hey guys!It's me you will probably think I'm gonna go forever because it's been forever since I update a blog post here.So this one is gonna be a bit longer now.If you're wondering it's because there's many thing going on lately.There's worst,lost and of cause there's always still happiness.I've been through so much this 2 months just checked the date the last time I blog and it was 14/06/2013 . And if you haven't know,it's holiday!It's like one of those holiday I've had it's a 2 weeks holiday because it's Hari Raya.I'm going off to KL maybe tomorrow or Tuesday.And I think I'll return on Wednesday.And if you've followed me on instagram you'll know that my cousin from KL came to my house and we spend quality time together I don't really know about her but for me I definitely have fun! :) We've always wanted to go for a movie and a shopping session together and now we've done that.So I brought her to Aeon,Kinta City.We watched Percy Jackson..For me the movie was brilliant! (: And also lately,I've got interested on making bracelets so that's one of my goal now.Me and my friend was trying so hard to find leather cords for our bracelets but we just couldn't find them here in Malaysia.Until the day before I went to S&J,and I found them!!And the colours was also pretty! ;) And I think that's all for this post?I will try my best to post more now :) And I'll see you guys really soon!Bye! 
P.S And I wrote this like a few days ago..                                                                

Friday 14 June 2013

Sports day :D

Hello! :D Nice to see you again..So as I told you earlier I have a sports day in my school today.Yeah.I slept about like a almost 1 yesterday night and I woke up at nearly 6 this morning..Just to go to school for sports day..It was quite fun but tiring :/ They played fun's song! :D  And some of them pretended despicable me,vampires and even captain america!That was insane!The captain america's shield was really nice and real!The colour and stuff is so freaking nice!So I had fun :D But then it was so tiring and I don't know why.I didn't actually do anything and I'm tired coz I'm useless.. Duh?Yeah so its Friday!And weekends..I'm pretty sure everyone loves weekend! :D Till then see ya soon!!! :D
P.S.Smile..And be a nigga..? LOL bye!:D

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Embarrassing moment.. D:

Hello people! :D I'm here!Oh yeah my last post was on sunday which school was not re-open yet.Now it is!Its almost a week already..Its another morning post.I didn't really post in the morning.So I think I'll do it today..Its my school's sports day tomorrow!I'm quite excited?Hahaha.Morning school tomorrow!Yayy!ANDAND I fell on stage in school yesterday!Omg That was embarrassing!Arghh!!I was okay though.. omg no!Hahaha and that's all!I'll see you really soon!Byeeeeee :D
P.S.Stay Strong!And :D

Sunday 9 June 2013

I nearly died! D:

Hey peeps!!! :D I have something to say..I nearly died yesterday!!Or maybe not :P So I went to euro fun park yesterday night with my cousin and sister..So,we go on one of the game there..We went to one of the most scariest thing there!!!And I almost get flew away!We were like screaming loudly!But it was fun though! :D I enjoyed..I can say that was the most enjoying thing?Yeah it is..And school is starting tomorrow!!!Oh no!I'm lazy!! :/ I don't think I'll update much sorry! D: I'll try though..So yeah!Byee :D
P.S.Smile!! :D

Thursday 6 June 2013

School's gonna re-open :/

Hey guys! :D Nice to see you again! I just passed by so yeah..I think I should just post something?Yeah.Oh My Gosh,the holidays are gonna be over.We have to get back to school!I'm pretty sad about that.But can also see your friends when you get back to school..So I guess that makes me better?Yeah.No more jacksgap,pointlessblog,sampepper,caspar lee and lots of lots of youtubers :( OMG I'm gonna cry :'( Like literally they are just what I do in these 2 weeks!I have lots and lots of FEELS!And some stalking (; Hahaha..Yeah that's actually all..See yah!
P.S. Go to school with your big smile! :D 

Wednesday 5 June 2013


Hello people!! :D It's me again!And yeah..I WENT TO THE ORTHODONTIST!!It was of cause a scary place..And me and my dad waited for more than 1 hour or something.Yeah we did.I was so freaking nervous!Its the most longest 1 hour i've ever spend in my life..So the nurse said I have to like wash my whole mouth before I get braces..Rinse salt water everyday..And yeah,that will take me 2 weeks.After 2 weeks I need to go to the orthodontist again.I didn't really see the doctor though its just the nurse..Quite a "pro" one :D.Luckly I got a nice nurse.. :D Yayyyyyyy!And that's all I guess?See ya!
P.S. Smile :D 

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Road trip (:

Hey guys!!Its another post today.. :D So,its been like a few days of holidays already,and i'm enjoying it! :D So I just got back from KL..And you know what?The worst thing is that I forgot to bring my EARPHONES!!!I've never forgot to bring my earphones before :o A world without music is hard!I can't.. Anyways,I miss my friend Althea..We will be doing videos really soon!I'm excited.Its gonna be really great! :D I hope it really works and please support!please!It means the whole life to us..And I gotta say thank you to Anita our pro on the video shooting and also editing :D Thank you very much this means A LOT to me and Althea and even moree (: Love you guys!:*
P.S. Bye guys..Its a busy holiday but I will still try to blog.Remember to smile :D

Thursday 23 May 2013

Holidays! :D

Hey guys!Its the very first time I blog in the morning..I usually blog at night..So,as the last post I said I will be performing for teachers day..But I didn't.Its just something unfair and stuff..But its okay I got over it alreadyy.. :P Hmm..One of my friend called Shirley/Jess went to Norway wednesday.She's awesome she's a directioner and one direction have been there so she fangirl a lot.Hahaa.I miss her already.My another friend Althea went to KL I miss her too.. <3 you guys so freaking much :P After that,this two weeks is holiday!!!!Yayyyyyyyyy! :D Will be doing video's and making a youtube account in this two weeks PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! :DDD I'm going for a movie with my sister today so yeahhhh byeee guys! :D
P.S.Remember to smile! :D

Monday 20 May 2013

Naked nuggets ! :D

Hey guys!Its another post today..So,if you were on facebook and you added me you will know that I challenged Althea to talk with British accents.And she really did it so its gonna be a whole epic week in school..But still.Then Anita(my another friend) joined the thing.Its just so fun :D And guess what?There's no school on this friday!!!Yayyyyyy!Its a holiday. :D I have nothing to blog..Omg,i'm sorry guys I know its getting boring.:(And Anita saw naked nuggets and you know she start to fangirl.. :D Hahaha..She's amazing. And we're gonna celebrate teacher's day this thursday.So I joined the choir with my friends :D Which is quite exciting ..I can say?So that's probably all..Till the next time guys! :D
P.S.I love you guys!Thanks for support :D And also remember to smile :D Byeeeee

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Last post ):

Hey guys!I'm sorry for didn't update yesterday..Its because I'm having my first day of exam..Which is quite okay..And I have my exam today as well..Sejarah is quite hard though and I have nothing to say about english..So,tomorrow I have my science exam and some other stuff..I'm now in my sister's room studying with her.So i'm blogging and she's playing candy crush..but still we are studying.And I think this will be the last post.. :( I think the next time is gonna be this friday or maybe saturday..After my exam.. :( sorry guys..I won't be on facebook so much too.But I think I will still be on instagram posting photos(: ANDANDAND YOUTUBE!seeing the guys that can make me emotional and happy at the same time..ITS JACK AND FINN HARRIES..I prefer Jack but still they are twins so yeahhh..OMG!I have to study.Sorry guys!Byeee

P.S.Will miss posting here..hmmm..I guess hope the exam will end faster!byee And I want to see you guys smiling when I come back! :D

Sunday 12 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day!! :D

Hey guys!:D Its mother's day today!Do you make or buy anything for your mum?..Okay I want to say..Dear mum,I love you..I know I didn't say anything infront of you..i'm just too shy to say I love you infront of you..I didn't express much..But i'll say it loud on here..I LOVE YOU!!!!You gave me more than I deserve..I'm not the perfect daughter you could ever want..I'm not really good at studying and so i can't get good results for you to be proud of :'( i'm sorry..But I promise i'll make you proud one matter how long..I know you will wait..And to my grandmother..Dear grandma,I LOVE YOU as took care of me for more than 12 years..You took care and give birth to mum..You are the best and I hope you will be proud at me one day as well..You bring me to lunch kiss me and hug me.You helped me..And I hope you will be with us forever.. :') Thank You for everything!

P.S. Happy Mother's day to all the mother's out there.. ! :D

Saturday 11 May 2013

Studying for the exam..

Hey guys!I'm sorry I broke the promise..I said that i'll update my blog when I go to the library but I didn't..coz no one brought their laptop..I'M SORRY!So,hmm..we actually studied in the library..hahah yeahh coz of exam..arghh.And just now when I was having my dinner it is so quite..No I don't like it..We should be talking and smiling happily.. :'(Hope tomorrow will be okay though .so was your life?of cause it has ups and downs..but yeahh positive thinking okay ?yeahh..Stay Strong guys!I love you! :*

P.S.Don't do stupid things okay? :D Remember to smile..  

Thursday 9 May 2013

Exam is in the corner !! :/

Hey guys!!Its me! :D I'm studying with my friend on skype..argggh we have exam next week!Remember my last post,I said that i'm going to the library with my friend this weekend?so I invited another friend Athirah to join us!I hope she can come..she's my old middle school friend.We used to be so close!:') She's amazing! :D Hehehe..I have nothing else to blog..hmmm..if I do i'll come okay?promise?..Okay! :D Byeee..Miss you guys! (:

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Skype (;

Hey people! :D ..its me!obviously..haha anyways i'm skype-ing again with Anita!(my friend i told you guys that time)andandandand oh thanks so so much for reading this..please be as loyal as you can thank you :* ..yeahh anita is telling me the whole story of her..hmm..story about something.i can't really yeahh it was so great to like seriously hear this..coz i'm actually waiting for her to tell me... at last she did.. :D yeahh i won't tell  anymore coz she's probably reading this now!and tomorrow!arghhh!tuitionnnnnnnn....noooooooooo..i hate tuition i know you can see that!(: hmm..i'm now studying coz i have exam next week..i'm nervous i don't understand a thing!..anyways me althea,anita and some other friends will be going to the i think i will unload my blog there on this saturday.. :D I'm actually excited!hahaha..i think that's all i'm gonna tell..please stay strong and i love you! :* till the next time i blog byeeee! :DDD

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Nothing special..

Hey!Another post today!I'm skype-ing with my friend Anita..As I mentioned ?Yeahh..So she's hilarious..Like I seriously have to laugh when I talk to her.. :D She's amazing/amaZAYN!Hahaha..Anyways. today,but its actually okay today..surprisingly its okay today.So i'm skype-ing with Anita..She's hmm..doing the cup song!she's great at it!:) she showed me her cover on youtube and it made me almost literally cried!Its just so touching:') I love it..OMG!You're singing to me now!I'm so emotional right now!OMG! :') So you're now probably reading this..yeahh enjoy and hey guys!Everyone please remember to smile like I always asked you guys to do.. :D Till the next post byeeeeeeee!Love ya! <3

Saturday 4 May 2013

Normal day..

Hey guys! :D Did you smile?Yeahhh?Good! Hmm..Another post today..Almost same like yesterday.Before i really wake up in the morning..I heard some voice.Then I listen properly its actually my mum and grandma..They were like usual.Talking about life..Then suddenly they talk about money..And it get so emotional.. :'( ..But its okay. :) I know later on things will be alright.. So yeahhh and now i'm skyping Althea again. :D She's wear a nerd glasses..hahaha. << So this is her fb!Andandand she likes SMOSH!!! :D hehehe.. i think that's all i'm gonna write..nothing really special..P.S And tomorrow maybe we don't have school!:DCoz of the general election..So yeahh byeee!

Friday 3 May 2013

Lazy day at home.. :D

Hey!Here I am again!So,how's your life going?Mine first?Okay.Well its just nothing.Hmm..i was planing to watch breaking dawn part 2 yeahh i'm actually watching it now.So yesterday night after the everyday drama of my family,they all went to sleep.But I didn't i went upstairs and bring the laptop and my 1D up all night CD along..So i was watching it like until 12.30?yeahh 12.30 it was just too early to sleep I know but i'm sleepy coz of school arghhhh! Hmmm..yeahhh before I went to sleep I was skyping with my best friend Althea bt. Mohd Rafique !She's awesomely awesome!Hehehehe we love each other as well. :D Now I felt like talking about us so yeahh.We met since we were in kinder garden..But of cause we doesn't know that how much closer we could be now..yeahh she's left handed like me aswell!We sit together at school.We got the same result in UPSR.We always say we were meant to be together.. Hahahaha.She's kinda mean sometimes but yeahh I know her well..She's just kindding(: she doesn't have problem like I she may not understand me sometimes .And of cause she's not the one i'm sharing problems with.And i have another best friend her name is Anita Subramaniam .She's a....hmm..she have problems like a lot:( i try to help her..yeahh i have two best friend..I know that's like not to right but yeahhh i have them both with me. :)Anyway if you need advice or you have problems that you want to share with me you could just inbox me on facebook that's my fb link click on it and give me an inbox if you want .. :) Till the next time byeee!!! :D
P.S. Remember to smile every where you go :D

School days :(

Hey!I felt like blogging today..Second post!So you go.Hmm..yesterday was emotional,we got lari antara class.And five of our harimau malaya get picked.Which is Syamimi,Dong Yi,Farah,Jia Yan and Qiao Ying.They were all awesome runners..But on the first round of passing pattern Qiao fell and yeahh.So teacher give us a chance.On the second round Jia Yan run and she went into other people's bar.So teacher say it is batas.And both of them started crying.Teacher said "jangan sedih mungkin kami tak de rezeki tahun ni.tahun lalu cuba lagi".Then TODAY..Was quite normal.I was happy that its friday.and that means one meaning the weekend is near!Hahaha..yeahh.Starting of the school i was like seeing the seniors going back from school..and i was like argghh I wanna go home!School is the place where problems made up. :( But I couldn't do anything.So I get through the whole day.Nicely I can say?Hmm..So that's probably the two of the days :)And yeahh i'm gonna watch my last part of twilight!The epic finale !Breaking dawn part 2! :)Its gonna be epic!

Tuesday 30 April 2013

First post!(:

Hey! Hmm..It's my first time blogging. I'll get all my things updated frequently if possible. I'll introduce myself now. 
I'm Nikki Choong.
I'm from Malaysia which is one of the Asian countries..if you're weondering why my name is Nikki Tomlinson in all my social networking sites.. It's because of Louis Tomlinson. He's a member of One Direction. I love One Direction obviously. I love all of them but my favourite is Louis so yeahhh. :D The reason I'm starting to blog is because I got inspired by my cousin who blogs so I decided to follow in his footsteps. I'd like expressing myself here since I'm too shy to tell anyone my feelings. So, I decided to put my feelings into words. I love music. Sometimes, it expresses how you feel when you don't know how to. And here you go! My first post ever! Love ya. :* Enjoy your life till I blog again! :) BTW, I have no school tomorrow!