Wednesday 27 November 2013


Hey guys! Today I'll be doing the BUCKET LIST.I'm sure most of the bloggers have done this blog post.Because it's just like official.I'll be doing 12.So,here's mine.

  • Do a Music Video. 
  • Meet One Direction.
  • At least try to upload weekly videos on YouTube.
  • Walk on a red carpet.
  • Have 5/5 of One Direction members to take a picture with me.
  • Produce one music for charity or flood victims.
  • Have people reading my blog post.
  • Sky dive or flying fox.
  • Relax on the beach.
  • Go on a flight.
  • Go to some other countries.
  • Celebrate halloween some where.
So that was my BUCKET LIST.I'm gonna explain it one by one here now.

  • I want to do a music video and post it on YouTube.Neither offical music video or not.I'll be happy enough.
  • I want to meet all of the member of One Direction because I've been loving them for a lonnnnggg time and it's not just it they changed my life.I know so many Directioner tell them this.But I can't actually explain my feelings about them.
  • I wanna be a YouTuber.Not because I want to be famous or something.But I would love it as a job.I enjoy filming.
  • Okay I know this one is pretty hard.But that's what about bucket list.I'll try my best for this one.
  • Picture with 1D!!I'm sooo excited about this.I know one day it will happen.At least one of the them.
  • I want to help people that need help like flood victims or something.I want to produce a music/song and get people to donate for them. :)
  • I know that no one barely reads my blog posts but I still do this because I LOVE doing this. :)
  • Sky dive or flying fox.I want to do this before I die one day.I want to see the world in a very different way.For some reasons I just don't like bungee jumping.So yeah!
  • Relax on the beach is something very enjoyable for me.It's just really peaceful and you'll know that the WORLD is VERY BEAUTIFUL.
  • I want to go on a flight.I'm now 13 and I'm not ashamed to tell you that I've never been on a flight before.Maybe my parents can't effort it now or something.But they told me that when I grew up I'll have to work hard and have my own money to go on a flight.
  • I've been to A LOT of road trips IN MY country.But I want to go to other countries.Like London,New York,Paris and MANY MORE! 
  • So,where I live doesn't celebrate halloween which I am really sad about.So I want to go to some place that does celebrate one day and have fun!! :)
So that was my BUCKET LIST.Hope you enjoy this weeks post!I will be doing something like that before New Year.Like a post that I tell you guys what I want to do or expect for next year!Anyways!I love you guys and see you next week!
P.S.Be Strong and things DO get better! :)

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