Tuesday 14 May 2013

Last post ):

Hey guys!I'm sorry for didn't update yesterday..Its because I'm having my first day of exam..Which is quite okay..And I have my exam today as well..Sejarah is quite hard though and I have nothing to say about english..So,tomorrow I have my science exam and some other stuff..I'm now in my sister's room studying with her.So i'm blogging and she's playing candy crush..but still we are studying.And I think this will be the last post.. :( I think the next time is gonna be this friday or maybe saturday..After my exam.. :( sorry guys..I won't be on facebook so much too.But I think I will still be on instagram posting photos(: ANDANDAND YOUTUBE!seeing the guys that can make me emotional and happy at the same time..ITS JACK AND FINN HARRIES..I prefer Jack but still they are twins so yeahhh..OMG!I have to study.Sorry guys!Byeee

P.S.Will miss posting here..hmmm..I guess hope the exam will end faster!byee And I want to see you guys smiling when I come back! :D

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