Friday 4 December 2015

Nightstand DIYs and Organizing Ideas!

Hey guys!I'm really happy to be finally back.I have a ton of blog post ideas floating around my mind and not to mention some are festive ones.I can't wait until I shoot and write them down here on my blog.

But for now,I have these 2 really easy & cute ideas to decorate and organize your nightstand.

I love decorating my nightstand because it is the first thing you see in the morning when you wake up and also something you see before you go to bed.But I tend to get bored of my nightstand after a short period of time hence why I'm always on the lookout for nightstand decorating ideas.

Today I have two ideas one of them is a decorating idea and the other is a organizing idea.

  • Decorating with a picture frame.

This how my night stand looks once I was done.For the first DIY I am going to show you how to decorate with a picture frame.This is really self explanatory but I thought this was a really good idea.

First, you want to pop the little backing of the picture frame and place it on top of your paper.Then,using it as a stencil you want to cut the paper according to the backing.

So you get the perfect size.Then you can get creative with it you can draw,paint,write or stick on the paper.I wanted mine to be simple but meaningful so I went ahead and wrote a quote/saying that I see on the internet all the time.I used my marker and wrote 'Do what you LOVE'.

Once you have a desired design,pattern or words,you can now pop the paper and the backing back to the frame.Just like how you would put a picture in a picture frame.And you're all done!

  • Organizing with a tray/picture frame.

This idea was inspired by pictures I saw on the internet and I thought this idea was so smart because it's easy,inexpensive but really cute!I actually found that it made my nightstand super organize.Not to mention it looks really tumblr as well.What else could you ask for?

Though I am aware that this is not a DIY it's just an idea for organizing little things laying around.

But basically what you need to do is find a tray or you could use a picture frame like I did.It worked really well.Grab your tray and place little things that are laying around on your nightstand.You could also do this on your coffee table.There's numerous things you could put in the trays.Example,magazines(with a bigger tray obvi),nail polishes,lipbalms,candles,etc.etc.

As for mine,I had a small picture frame because I have quite a small nightstand.I have a lipbalm,a nail polish and a candle in my tray.

But that is it for today's post.I personally love these DIY and organizing ideas a lot.I feel like my nightstand is really sleek and clean now and I hope you guys would try these out too.

Love,Nikki. x

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Something I've Been Keeping.

Hey guys I've not updated in 2 months!I honestly feel really bad for not posting for 2 months.I never told you guys about this but I'm 15 and I'm sitting for one of my biggest exams this year.If you realized my posting schedule had been going down hill and that is mainly because I am really really busy with school,homework,revision,etc.All the boring stuff.I mean there's not much of a choice I guess.

This whole year I've been learning to manage my time well.There was just NEVER enough time to tick all the things I needed to do on the list.The work itself wasn't the actual task but finding time to do those task was the challenging part.

With all the stuff going on in my life at this point I tried to update my blog through the year.I never stopped updating unless I really couldn't find a single second.That is mainly because blog posting is my passion and it is something that I genuinely love doing.Updating my blog was ALWAYS in my to do list.I ALWAYS try to update whenever I can.

So after all the hard work I've done for this examination,it is finally the time where I'm sitting for it.The examination is next week(12/10/2015).I'm writing this now because I know I wouldn't be able to write next week as I will be doing some last touches before the exams.

But in all words,I hope you guys understand my situation and I wish the best upon your life.Make sure you do me a favor!If you're reading this please go out there and spread positivity.

Although I've been so busy,I did come out with A TONS of ideas for my future blog posts!(Some of them includes post for the holiday season!)I'm way too excited for christmas.Hahaha.Anyway,I'm going to be working on those ideas as soon as I'm finish with my exams.So make sure you look out for those!

Finally,thanks for your loyalty and love you lots.

Love,Nikki. x

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Collab : Style Swap w/ Dong Yi!

Hey guys today I have a really excited post for you guys!Me and my friend,Dong Yi thought of collaborating for the first time!So obviously she has a blog as well so I'm gonna link it HERE. We decided to do a style swap.I went to her house and we basically switched clothes and took some pictures.

That basically means the clothes I'll be showing you are her's and the clothes she'll be showing on her blog are mine.We did this mainly because we both have different taste in style and so we thought it would be fun if we switched clothes and we would get to change style for once.I totally recommend doing this with your friends because it is fun!And it also offers a lot of instagram picture opportunities.Let's be real we all look forward for that. ;)

With all of that being said,let's get started!!

So me and Dong Yi both love wearing black a lot and so we had to put a all black outfit in there.Her top and bottom are from Thailand and her shoes are from Converse.I also wore her choker and her flower crown which both she DIY-ed herself.


I think this outfit is super casual and perfect for a hot summer day.The flower crown totally adds a fun touch and it also pops through the all black that is going on.

Onto the next outfit! 

This next outfit is definitely more of a girly look.Her cute top is from Thailand as well and she also DIY-ed the lovely white skirt I was wearing in the picture.I kept the choker on to add a little touch of edginess and the flower crown again for the pop of colour.

On the other hand,I think this outfit is really cute and perfect if you and your friends are planning to hangout during the summer.Maybe going to a cute cafe or like a little cute spot to take pictures.

So that was all the outfit I can show you today.This was a really fun blog post to shoot.Me and Dong Yi really had fun shooting these pictures and I hope you found some inspiration through this post.

Thanks for reading!
I'll leave you guys with these two pictures of us.
Love,Nikki. x

Friday 3 July 2015

DIY Ripped Jeans!

HELLO PEEPS! Good to see you! :) I know how much you guys liked my DIY Phone Case post,so I'm back for another DIY blog post!Today I'm gonna show you how to make your own ripped jeans.The process is quite self-explanatory but I thought some of you might want to know exactly how I did mine so here's a post on HOW TO MAKE RIPPED JEANS! 

I first decided to rip my jeans on my own because I saw most of them from the stores are really really pricey like most of them were RM99 for just a pair of jeans so I thought I could totally rip my own jeans and have the same result.

What you will need for this DIY:

  •  A pair of new or old jeans of your choice.

  • A pair of scissors 
  • Two or more safety pins

And that is all you need.Now let's get started!First,you want to measure where you want your holes to be.The best way to make sure you cut the right spot is to put your jeans on.So go ahead and put them on then you can start to measure.With your safety pins,pin them down where you want your cut to be.

I wanted mine right on the knees so I put the pins there.Once you measured out the spot you want to cut,you can take your jeans off.And we can start cutting!

Use a pair of scissors(preferably fabric scissors)to cut the jeans following where you've measured out.The reason I used the pins because the needles of the pins are straight so you can see where you want to cut easily.

Start by cutting a small hole and work your way up.So basically once you've successfully cut a hole,go ahead and open up your scissors, run your scissors through the hole making the little frizz comes out so that it doesn't look like a awkward hole.So cut small sections and frizz them until you get your desired look.Once you're done try them on and if you're happy with it you're done!

Mine turned out super cute and I wear it so much I think I'll never wear non-ripped jeans anymore.But I hope this helped.Be sure to try it out and I hope you liked this post.
Thanks for reading!Cheers!

Love,Nikki. x

Monday 8 June 2015

May Favourites 2015 + A Little Chat.

Heyyyyyyy guys!I'm so excited to blog!I'm finally getting back on track and getting myself to this point where I constantly remind myself not to procrastinate too much.I would say it helped actually.

One thing I've learn throughout these few months is MIND SET I believe that everything starts from your thoughts no matter what you're struggling with,think as it's nothing and that everything comes after happiness.What you think is a "problem" is actually something that couldn't be any smaller.Using this method I really think it helps me with various of "problems" I might be going through.

Enough of that whole thing now..I'm here today to share my May Favourites with you! :)

These are something I've been really enjoying throughout May 2015.


I've been really enjoying this simple hydrating light moisturiser.I think it maintains my skin really well making sure my skin doesn't get dry.Though I didn't see any big changes in my skin.That is why I describe it as just good at maintaining my skin.But I do like that the fact that it is not sticky at all.


My candle is from Ikea for a really affordable price.It's vanilla scented and I absolutely love how it smells though when it burns it doesn't produce that much of a smell but when you sniff it,it smells delicious.It last for awhile as well I've been burning it for months although not really often but it's not even half gone.

3.Dry Shampoo

I actually made this dry shampoo myself and stored it in this container.What you use it for is basically on days when you didn't wash your hair and it's starting to get a little greasy you could put this product in your roots and it'll basically absorb all the oil from your unwashed hair.I actually started using this because I've heard some people say that it gives volume to your hair.And my hair was really flat so I tried using this product I would say it helped with volume and also making your not so clean hair look matte.This is perfect for when you're traveling.So I've been really loving it.As I said I made this myself so I'm gonna have a blog post up soon showing you how exactly I made this.

That is all for today guys!I hope you enjoyed.And I appreciate all your love and support! x

Love,Nikki. x

Sunday 8 March 2015

A Little Hello! :)

Hi!I hope you remember me.It's been 3 months since I posted my last blog.I've been busy with school.I started school on January so I couldn't seem to find anytime to post at all.

I want to take this post to just tell you guys whats happening since I was gone so long and also what will happen in the future on this blog.

There's no big changes but I am gonna still try my best to post every week or at least once two weeks.I honestly enjoy blog posting a lot it's just that I hope I had the time.

So,I was thinking about ideas on what to post and I found out that you guys really enjoyed my diy phone case post.So let me tell you there will be a diy post coming up your way.Stay tune to know what diy I'll work on next.

Anyways,this year is my 3rd year blog posting.I started off with like what?Probably 1 view on each post?Yeah.To me it doesn't really matter how many people there here because this is honestly just what I really enjoy doing.But now that I have over 1,200 pageviews I am just really grateful.So, thank you so much if you're reading.

That's gonna be it for today.See you next week!

Thursday 27 November 2014

Christmas Tree & Christmas Songs! :)

Hey!I'm excited for Christmas!I'm sure you are too!Today's post is very festive. :)

So,it's the time of the year again where you put up your christmas trees.For me personally,I get really happy and excited to put up the Christmas tree.I think there's really no appropriate time to when you're supposed to put it up.Just put em' up when you feel like puttting them up.
Anyways,I had fun putting mine up and these are some pictures of my tree.

Another really important thing about Christmas is also all the songs that you listen to.These are some of my favourites to listen to. 

First of all,of course the classic Michael Buble,at least I think it's the classic one.Baby Please Come Home-Michael Buble.

Second of all,we have this really fresh and fun song.
Jingle Bell Rock (YouTubers) There's a few versions to this song but I like this the most.It's so good!I can't stop listening to it! :)

And last of all,we have Kelly Claskson.Let me say,I've been force to stop listening to her last year because it's the end of the season and now I'm bring it back! Kelly Clarkson Christmas Album. Silent Night is my favourite from her. 

I hope you guys enjoy my song recommendations.You can listen to them while putting up your Christmas trees! :)
